US could stop artists using drones

New regulations may restrict the use of surveillance technology in their work

Koons at cutting edge with giant stone mills

Artist ramps up production at Pennsylvania workshop where monumental works are carved

'Poor door’
opens to let
in the new

Galleries are reaching out to a wider market

When is nude too rude?

Growth in “revenge porn” legislation could criminalise artists who use naked images

Young artists under pressure
to pay for publicity

Even some bloggers now ask galleries and artists for cash or art

Ai Weiwei plans escape to Alcatraz

The Chinese dissident artist is proposing to stage his next major exhibition on Alcatraz Island, home of the former high-security prison  

New Tech, New Art 

Technology companies in Silicon Valley are taking an unusual approach to art investment. 

Percent for Art schemes fail to deliver

Cities across the US are neglecting to enforce a law that requires property developers to help fund public art